发表: 2月. 15, 2016
亚历克斯·贝克尔 Alums 亚历克斯·贝克尔 and Kristen Allen don traditional Bavarian clothes with the Regensburg Dom behind them. 图片由亚历克斯·贝克尔提供.

获得国际事务和德语学位, young alumnus is co-founder of a successful real-estate consulting firm



This is a not-atypical day in 亚历克斯·贝克尔’s life: He launches a Catamaran from the warm white sand beaches of Tortola among the British Virgin Islands. He is first mate to a captain who is a retired CEO — someone he had just met on a trip to Cuba to stir diplomacy and economic growth between business leaders from both countries.

贝克尔, a 2006 International Affairs Program graduate from the 博彩平台推荐, 体现了全球意识, 创业精神. He says CU-Boulder opened introduced him to a host of new opportunities.


CU-Boulder students “should seize the opportunity to go into the international world,这位校友建议道, 谁主修德语双学位. 无论是在商业上, 政治, 非营利组织, 学者, 社会科学或任何领域, 研究, 出国旅游和工作可以“打开世界”, 科罗拉多大学有一个非常强大的国际事务项目.”

Faculty and administrators say current students should listen to 贝克尔’s advice. 现年31岁的他是科罗拉多大学最不寻常、最有成就的毕业生之一. 他回报了他的支票簿和他的大部分时间, 劳伦·怀特说, 科罗拉多大学发展部副主任.


I want every international affairs student to be able to have real international exposure during their education at CU,贝克尔说。. “我鼓励中大校友支持这项了不起的事业.”

他是丹佛一家商业房地产公司的联合创始人, 科罗拉多州房地产顾问公司, 贝克尔 helps large real-estate investment groups and businesses make commercial real-estate acquisitions. 他承诺捐出10美元,000 during the next five years to CU-Boulder and its Global Grants Campaign, 是什么帮助现在的学生负担得起出国留学.

He serves on both the international affairs and the Alumni Association advisory boards. 其他董事会成员说,贝克尔, 同时拥有法律学位和MBA学位的人, inspires future grads by putting his world view to use beyond the classroom.


“My experience at CU opened my eyes to a world of opportunities and raised the bar for my life goals,贝克尔说。, who earned his MBA from the prestigious Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. 他在达兰的一个法律部门工作, Saudi Arabia (and spent much of his free time as chauffeur to female colleagues, 是谁, 由法律规定, 不允许开车.)

贝克尔的“宏观全球前景”, 从2004年秋天开始, when he began his junior year at the University of Regensburg in Germany — America’s oldest German exchange program available to CU international-affairs students. 而大多数海外项目只持续一个学期, 雷根斯堡是个例外, 他说, because applicants must speak German before going and will take a European entrance exam before taking any course at the university.

贝克尔’s passion for the language began with his father’s parents, who are both German; his grandmother to this day refuses to speak anything but German to her grandson, 贝克尔笑着说. 所以当我开始学习德语时,她很高兴.”

亚历克斯·贝克尔 亚历克斯·贝克尔, 正确的, 和卢卡斯·施莱弗一起去加米施滑雪, Kristen Allen (both CU students in Regensburg) and friend Michael Howe, 他是从牛津来雷根斯堡的交换生. 点击图片查看大图.

Study abroad gives students a taste of real-world culture and language immersion that one can’t find on vacation, 贝克尔说. 例如,德国的教授和博尔德的教授不一样:

你走进去, 做笔记, and they jolt out of the room because they don’t want to answer any questions or engage students.在他的第一堂课上,一门20年代末的艺术研究th century, 贝克尔 and a peer from Boulder exchanged shocked glances after the first lecture.


The challenges of life in the medieval city along the Danube River proved worthy, 贝克尔说, and not only because the beer was “amazing” or that his host family was a lot of fun: “Having my host family pick me up for the first time to learn that they are hippies who drive a camper van complete with pots and pans hanging from the ceiling was one fun memory, 收音机里放着80年代蒂娜·特纳的歌.”

他在采尔马特滑雪, 瑞士, over Thanksgiving and attended the 450th anniversary of Trinity College Ball at Oxford University. “球就像你想的那样, 非常帝王,沉浸在传统的香槟和烟火中. 博彩平台推荐进去时,一位骑着白马的骑士迎接博彩平台推荐.”

CU alumna Kristen Allen attended the ball and was on the same program.

“Alex is one of the most driven, thoughtful, generous, funny, joyful people I've ever met. 这些品质延伸到了他对待友谊的方式上. Making friends with him was without a doubt the best part of that year in Regensburg. He's someone who puts people at ease, and is just delightful to be around. We had such a great time exploring and joking around together,” s他说.

在雷根斯堡的最后, she lost a bet to 贝克尔 and had to wear a traditional Bavarian Dirndl on the plane ride back to Colorado. “这很不舒服.”

亚历克斯·贝克尔 亚历克斯·贝克尔 being interviewed by German TV in the Vatican courtyard the day after Pope John Paul II died. 点击图片查看大图.

另一天, 贝克尔 was in Vatican City when he was approached by German TV reporters seeking comments on the pope, 刚刚死去的人. “我说德语,他们觉得我看起来像德国人.”

Beyond the adventures and lifelong friendships came a valuable perspective. “我对生活和事业有了非常宏观的全球视野,贝克尔说。, “and this helps me today to reflect on a deeper level how I can do things better.”

例如, 德国人生活在一个等级森严的社会里, 但是生活和工作是很平衡的. 他说:“下班后和周日,一切都关门了。. “Germans really protect their rest and their time spent with family.”

“我并不是说哪个更好或更差,他说, “just that I believe in the capitalist system and being regimented makes it harder to be innovative and become an entrepreneur. I would not have learned this difference without my study-abroad experience.”


Most students in CU’s International Affairs Program want to become diplomats, 项目主席兼历史学教授托马斯·泽勒说, 但贝克尔不同, 利用他的教育经验来创业.

“我想把他选为模范学生, 就是博彩平台推荐想吸引的那种人,泽勒说. And it’s not an easy program, requiring an extra third year of languages. “你必须有很高的积极性.”

作为项目顾问委员会的重要成员, 贝克尔 is helping to create an endowment for the Global Grants Campaign, Zeiler说. “Alex does a lot of work 正确的 now to get us outside corporate donors. 他是如此忠诚.”

到目前为止, 全球资助计划提供了1美元,资助60余名学生出国留学, 在欧洲的项目, 亚洲, 中东, 非洲和拉丁美洲.

“I want every international affairs student to be able to have real international exposure during their education at CU,贝克尔说。. “我鼓励中大校友支持这项了不起的事业.”


朱莉·马歇尔(95届硕士)是《 让驴子飞:克利夫兰·阿莫里,动物救援先锋, and a former features writer/associate editor for the Daily Camera. 她住在拉斐特.

2月. 17, 2016