


Aquetza是免费的, one-week summer residential program on the Campus of CU Boulder that provides high school students with strong ties to Chicano/Latino communities from across Colorado with an interactive, academic enrichment experience focused on engaging Chican@/Latin@ youth in examining the history, 文学, 健康科学, and relevant social and political issues surrounding their cultural communities, 通过严谨的民族研究学术工作, 写作, 阅读, 和科学.



The 中大对话节目 engages diverse groups within the University in honest conversation with one another through facilitated dialogues in CU classes and other campus settings that:

  • 鼓励多元观点的公开分享;
  • create experiential learning opportunities that reinforce course content across a range of disciplines;
  • generate critical thinking as participants address complex issues;
  • 根据需要提供同声传译.


This fellowship is designed for a cohort of 4-6 PhD students; students from all academic departments at CU Boulder are eligible to participate. The purpose is to train a generation of scholars in the practices and principles of community-based research (CBR).



The 2-Year INVST Program offers community-based learning for eco-social transformation. 通过对批判理论的结合研究, 具体的开发技巧, 还有社区实习, CU Boulder students learn to be effective and responsible community leaders. 博彩平台推荐提供:

  • 小型,基于队列的课程
  • 社区实习
  • 暑期实践学习
  • 在科罗拉多大学和其他地方的指导和指导
Student leading instructor on blindfolded walk trust building activity

领导 & 社区参与专业(LDCE)

获得领导力学士学位 & 社区参与

  • 一个紧密结合的学习社区, where you will receive personal support and experience small classes with the same group of classmates throughout your college experience
  • 每年都有以社区为基础的学习机会
  • 关注社会公正.
  • Advanced coursework in community-based research methods and learning sciences.
  • 双学位课程, which allows you to combine your 领导 and 社区参与 主要的 with select majors from the College of Arts and Sciences.


The 辅修领导研究 (LSM) enables you to develop as a leader. 你是否打算领导一家初创企业, 做一个社区组织者, 成立了一个非营利组织, 在军队服役, 或者竞选公职, 一个共同的因素是领导力. 博彩平台推荐在LSM寻求来自各行各业和所有专业的学生.

We seek students who are curious about what the academic research says about leadership and who want to practice leadership as a CU student. 你现在可能不认为自己是一个“领导者”, but by pursuing the LSM you will learn new ways to think about leadership and discover your own leadership strengths. 如果你已经有了领导的记录, this is a place to broaden your understanding and deepen your skills. 



面向全校各专业开放, MLS是基于社会公正的方法, with coursework that emphasizes the hallmarks of contemporary leadership practice: building community, 协作, 伦理反思, 尊重, 重视多样性. 班级很小, 欢迎, and inclusive; students will develop a sense of belonging and a home on a large campus. 学生 form a community as a cohort of scholars and scholarship recipients.



根植于合作的团队行动, PA engages participants in solutions-based analysis and action to address youth-identified social issues, 设想另一种政治方法, 并提供体验式教育机会. PA students collaborate with CU Boulder undergraduate student "coaches" to design, 实现, and undertake community-based projects that address social issues that express their values and beliefs. In addition to its youth leadership and civic engagement goals for K-12 students, PA provides CU Boulder undergraduates with a meaningful and structured opportunity to develop facilitation and instruction skills and apply political theory to democratic projects in school-based settings.



Puksta学者 is a competitive scholarship program open to CU Boulder undergraduate students.  每年, a small cohort of students are awarded the scholarship with the explicit purpose to serve as catalysts for positive change on campus and in our local, 国内和国际社会.



学生工人联盟计划(SWAP)是一个草根组织, 学生, and dynamic program that is committed to cross-cultural engagement, 共同授权, 技能习得, 团结一致解决不平等问题. SWAP seeks to convene systematically divided campus sectors to share a common learning and cultural experience.

在实践中, CU Boulder undergraduates provide free and convenient English language classes to predominantly immigrant University employees who hold under-appreciated yet indispensable positions on campus and in the community. Participating students receive interactive and culturally informative trainings volunteers, 准备他们教一对一或小组英语课. SWAP operates through the support of an evolving organizing committee, part-time student staff positions and an expansive volunteer network. 



Participatory Action Research (PAR) is an approach to enquiry which has been used since the 1940s. It involves researchers and participants working together to understand a problematic situation and change it for the better. There are many definitions of the approach, which share some common elements. PAR focuses on social change that promotes democracy and challenges inequality. PAR uses a range of different methods, both qualitative and quantitative.