
Meet 阿玛莉亚Kamlet, an adventure-seeking science educator


阿玛莉亚Kamlet has always had a heart for adventure and science. Her adventures in teaching and in the outdoors as a student at CU Boulder are only the beginning as her love for adventure literally takes her around the world, starting with an opportunity as a STEM science teacher in...


这是辛西娅·科拉尔·罗伯斯, 同理心的领导者, 可靠性, 以及对正义的热情和激情


辛西娅 Corral Robles considers herself “lucky enough” to have stumbled across the Leadership and Community Engagement major in the 教育学院. She first discovered the INVST Community Studies program and its summer justice tour of 科罗拉多州, which unleashed her passion for community leadership. 她游历了科罗拉多州...


Meet Quinton Andre Freeman, a committed teacher, teacher educator, and mentor


Quinton Andre Freeman comes from a family of educators. His wife, Adrienne, is a middle school principal. 他的父母, now a retired county agent and a retired special education teacher, 在学生教学中相遇, and his mother urged him to get a teaching certificate as a fallback plan after college...


Meet Tanya Davis Ennis, working to eradicate inequity and injustice in education and beyond


A leader on campus in broadening participation in STEM education as the most recent director of the BOLD Center, 坦尼娅埃尼斯 is committed to developing and studying strategies that can create a more equitable environment for racially minoritized and first-generation 学生. Ennis studied electrical engineering at an Historically Black College/University,...


认识亚历克斯·鲍丁, advocating for more LGBTQ-inclusive school policies that matter to teachers, 学生


亚历克斯Boeding has been a thoughtful and engaged student in all of his 教育学院 master’s classes while navigating a busy life as a full-time teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alex consistently demonstrates a strong commitment to the 教育学院’s vision for justice and democracy and works to...


Meet 凯特琳好, using research and service to transform teaching, teacher preparation


Before enrolling at CU Boulder as a doctoral student, 凯特琳好 was a science teacher in a dual-language elementary school in Virginia, where she was often frustrated by her district’s narrative that teaching science in Spanish was a “nice bonus” and teachers need to prepare 学生 for English-language multiple-choice state...

 Astrid Sambolín Morales

Meet Astrid Sambolín Morales, learning with and from Puerto Rican mothers


As a doctoral student Astrid Sambolín Morales went above and beyond to actively contribute to the formation of a better community in the CU Boulder 教育学院 and the Puerto Rican diaspora communities of Florida, 丹佛, and Pennsylvania with whom she partnered. 确保你所做的工作是...

Nga Nancy Hoang

Meet Nancy Hoang, computer science education pioneer in Vietnam and beyond


原产于越南, Nancy (Nga) Hoang pursued a Master’s of Education degree in order to bring about change to the education system in her country. Hoang graduated from FTP University in Vietnam with a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. In Vietnam, she was the first person to create computer...


Meet 亚历克西斯哈里斯, a lifelong learner with an infectious sense of curiosity


亚历克西斯哈里斯 embodies the 教育学院 and Humanities Teacher Licensure Program’s commitment to teaching for equity and justice. Harris has been named the 2022 Outstanding Graduate in the Secondary Humanities Teacher Licensure Program for the ways she shows up, 头脑和心, 每周,总是开放给...


Meet 茱莉亚Chavarria, a higher education professional paying it forward with gratitude and kindness


Dedicated to building access and opportunity in higher education, 茱莉亚Chavarria is an excellent example of a scholar/practitioner who can quickly and deftly adapt knowledge she’s building from coursework in the Master’s in Higher Education program in the CU Boulder 教育学院 to her professional work experiences and supports...
