约翰P. 弗雷泽是博彩平台推荐的教师关系主任

摘自2009年10月28日《博彩app推荐》 全文

Being the Old New Kid on the Block—moving into a senior faculty or administrative position at a new university—can pose just as many challenges as starting your first job as an assistant professor. The search process will reveal some of the challenges you face as a senior-level newcomer. But your efforts may be undermined if you fail to recognize the implicit challenges that commonly confront senior hires.

The first implicit challenge is obvious but often overlooked in the first blush of excitement about being offered a new job: It is highly unlikely that you were the preferred candidate of everyone you'll be working with. 如果你的职位有内部候选人, 他们和他们的支持者会有, 在最好的情况下, 你的选择让我百感交集. 当你到达校园时,你可能很少享受或没有蜜月.

第二个, 如果你是新任命的学术管理人员, you can reasonably expect that some of your new colleagues will greet you with jealousy, 怨恨, 和猜疑. 如果您已经是一名经验丰富的管理员, you know that those unfortunate attitudes simply come with the territory. 你毕竟投靠了黑暗势力.

Being hired into a senior faculty position with few or no administrative responsibilities will not exempt you entirely from jealousy, 怨恨, 或怀疑. Some of the most bitter conflicts I've witnessed have been about making a senior faculty appointment. There will be those who opposed, on principle, the very idea of making a senior hire. Others may be jealous of the accomplishments that made you a strong candidate in the first place, and fear that their status in the department will suffer by comparison. The intensity of those negative attitudes increases if you've been recruited into an endowed professorship, which will confer both special status and resources that most of your new colleagues don't enjoy.

第三, 无论你是被聘为教员还是行政人员, 很可能你是被带进公司来改变现状的. Perhaps your hiring will enhance the research profile of the department. 也许你已经被招募开始一个新的专业或一个新的中心. 如果你以系主任的身份加入, it's likely that you have been brought in to rescue a dysfunctional department. 院长通常被雇来带领他们的学校向一个新的方向发展. 你一到,空气中一定会有变化.

然而,实际上做出任何改变都不容易. 在搜索过程中, 尤其是对新主席或院长来说, 几乎每个人都会对变革的前景感到兴奋. Indeed, just about everyone will have a list of changes that should be made. The trouble is that no two lists will be the same, and many may actually conflict. 无论如何, you'll likely find that people will be enthusiastic about changes that others should make but considerably less so about changes they themselves must make.

那么,一个新人如何才能有一个坚实的开端呢? 这里有一些方法可以增加成功的可能性.

  1. Discreetly learn as much as you can about the circumstances of your hiring. The strength of your mandate—if such a thing ever exists—will depend on whether you were a consensus choice, 妥协的选择, or (worst-case scenario) a selection imposed on your department or college by top administrators. 通过了解你被雇佣的情况, you'll be able to approach your work with a more realistic sense of how quickly you can move to accomplish the goals set for you. And you'll know how much effort you'll need to put into building relationships and support for your work. (提示:很多.)
  2. 是卑微的. 不要仗势欺人, 要求特殊待遇, 或者坚持让别人承认你的新身份. It will be far better for you in the long run to begin modestly and unassumingly. Paradoxically, the less you demand recognition of your status, the more status you will have.
  3. 多问问题,仔细听答案. 充分利用这个事实, 在你刚来学校的几个月里, 你可以自由地问各种问题, 一年后, 会不会不可能问. 只要你能说, “我是新来的, 所以请帮助我理解博彩平台推荐为什么要做X,“你有机会学到更多. 更重要的是, asking questions and listening to answers is a surefire way to build positive relationships. 这可能是您工具箱中最有用的工具,所以请随意使用它. (提醒一句:你的问题必须是真实的,而不是反问. Making statements disguised as questions will provoke defensiveness and 怨恨, 而且还会给你赢得消极攻击的名声.)
  4. 测试你所有的假设. 博彩平台推荐对意义做出假设, 动机, and even character all the time and in the blink of an eye: "Bill didn't say hello to me this morning. He must be angry about what I said in the department meeting yesterday. 他总是把事情往心里去. 真是个混蛋!" Making assumptions can lead to serious errors in judgment when you're the Old New Kid on the Block. So test them: "When you say you want to recruit better graduate students, 我想你的意思是这是博彩平台推荐部门的首要任务. 我说的对吗?" The idea is for you to stay in learning mode instead of jumping to conclusions. As a bonus, you will also gain a valuable reputation as a good listener.
  5. Avoid making unfavorable comparisons between your new campus and your old one. 无论这种比较多么准确, and however much your outsider perspective was a factor in your selection, pointing out the shortcomings of your new campus is guaranteed to provoke a defensive and even hostile response from your new colleagues. 关注现状的改善,而不是批评.
  6. 最后,要抵制急于成名的诱惑. 毕竟,这对任何一个新老孩子来说都是一个强大的工具, 你被录用是因为你的经验, 专业知识, 以及你给新大学带来的观点. It's perfectly natural to want to do something quickly to demonstrate that your hiring was a wise decision. 然而, if you make important decisions or attempt to make big changes before you've really gotten the lay of the land, 你可能会犯这样的错误, 几周或几个月后, 你在一英里外就能看到. 从长远来看, spending time getting to know your new institution and building relationships will enable you to make a more enduring mark. 记住:这是一场马拉松,不是短跑.

如果我的建议有主题的话, 那就是好奇心, 谦卑, 在你适应新职位的时候要有耐心. 这些都是值得在人际关系中表现出来的品质, 他们会像新来的老孩子一样为你服务.