• 博彩平台推荐的办公室经理唐娜·梅斯被提名为五人之一 年度最佳员工 by 文理学院 at the 博彩平台推荐. 祝贺你,谢谢!
  • 祝贺丹尼尔·马丁, 马修·皮尔森, 雅典娜·斯帕克斯, 2018-2019年度伯顿W. 琼斯教学优秀奖.
  • The 数学系 Is proud to announce that Jonathan Quartin and Patrick Wynne are the winners of the 2018 W. E. 布里格斯教学优秀奖.
  • 祝贺你 to Katharine Adamyk, Brendt Gerics, and Cherry Ng, winners of the 2017-2018 伯顿W. 琼斯教学优秀奖.
  • 祝贺博士. 埃里克·斯塔德收到 2018年美国数学学会数学教与学影响力奖! 一个实至名归的奖项! 
  • 迪夫Vernerey has been honored with the Marinus Smith award for the second year in a row.  The purpose of this award is to identify and recognize CU 博尔德 faculty, 工作人员, 教练, and administrators who have made a significant impact on the lives of CU 博尔德 students.
  • Please join the 奖 Committee in congratulating David Grant on his receiving lifetime designation as a 校长教学学者.
  • The 奖 Committee is again delighted to announce that our colleague 教授essor Jeanne Clelland has been selected by the MAA Rocky Mountain Section leaders as the winner of the 2018 伯顿W. 琼斯杰出教学奖 (落基山组)!
  • The 奖 Committee is thrilled to announce that 教授essor Jeanne Clelland has received a 2017-2018 博尔德 Faculty Assembly Award for Excellence in Teaching and Pedagogy.  祝贺你, 教授essor Clelland, on this prestigious and much-deserved award!
  • The 数学系 is proud to announce that Jordan DuBeau is the winner of the 2017 W. E. 布里格斯教学优秀奖
  • 祝贺你 to Mark Pullins, Jeffrey Shriner, and Noah Williams, winners of the 2017 伯顿W. 琼斯教学优秀奖
  • Please join the Graduate Committee and the chair of the graduate program, Dr. Sergei Kuznetsov in congratulating Mark Pullins for receiving the 2017 W. J. Thron数学奖学金. Mark是一名四年级研究生,师从Dr. 基思·科恩斯,在有限莫雷秩群领域工作.
  • Kate Stange has received a five-year National Science Foundation CAREER Award. These awards are intended to recognize junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through research, 教育, and the integration of 教育 and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. 该奖项将支持她在数论方面的研究活动, 算术几何, 克莱因理论的组, 和密码. It will also support accessible research and outreach experiences for CU 博尔德 undergraduate students.
  • 迪夫Vernerey, 基思·科恩斯, and Natalie Coston have been selected in 2017 to receive the Marinus Smith Award from New Student and Family Programs at the 博彩平台推荐. The purpose of this award is to identify and recognize CU 博尔德 faculty, 工作人员, 教练, and administrators who have made a significant impact on the lives of CU 博尔德 students.
  • 祝贺2016年W奖得主Brendt Gerics. E. 布里格斯教学优秀奖.
  • 教授. Sean O'Rourke获得了NSF能源的资助, 权力, 控制和网络(EPCN)计划(售价296美元),558(超过24个月). 该项目涉及到与教授的合作. 挂Touri, 谁在电气系, 电脑, 博彩平台推荐的能源工程专业. The goal of the project is to study universal controllability properties of random systems, 并且涉及到工程方面的话题, 应用数学, 和纯数学.
  • 科罗拉多大学, 博尔德, has just been awarded an NSF grant to study the implementation of sustainable active learning strategies in the sequence of courses Precalculus, 微积分1, 和微积分2. 这3美元,000,000, 为期五年的奖项是一项涉及UCB的合作资助, 内布拉斯加大学, 圣地亚哥州立大学, 和APLU. Rob Tubbs is the UCB PI with co-PIs David Grant (Math) and David Webb (School of Education). The awardees first will study and document the characteristics of 6 departments that are already employing sustainable active learning strategies in the Precalc-Calc 2 sequence, 包括联合银行. 然后,他们将征求来自……的申请, 并向, up to 9 other institutions to support their attempts to introduce active learning into Precalc-Calc 2 in a sustainable way. A major focus of the grant is to study how these 9 institutions adapt to accommodate these changes.
  • 教授essor Martin Walter has been honored with a 2016 博尔德 Faculty Assembly Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service. BFA优秀奖, 由校长办公室主办, specifically recognize outstanding work and a concerted effort to make advances in the academy.
  • 祝贺你 to Matthew Grimes, Jared Nishikawa, and Keli Parker, winners of the 2016 伯顿W. 琼斯教学优秀奖
  • 教授essor Eric Stade has been honored with a 2015 CU Best Should Teach Gold Award. The Best Should Teach Initiative strives to acknowledge excellence in teaching and academic leadership. The initiative is managed by the Graduate Teacher Program in coordination with the School of Education, 文理学院, 以及博彩平台推荐的研究生院. Lindley and Marguerite Stiles established the initiative in 1996 to promulgate the message that "The Best Should Teach."
  • 祝贺朱迪·帕克, winner of the 2015 Ames Award from the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, in recognition of her paper "Quantum Heisenberg manifolds as twisted groupoid C*-algebras"!
  • 祝贺你 to Katharine Adamyk and Cherry Ng, winners of the 2015 W. E. 布里格斯教学优秀奖!
  • 博士候选人Erica Shannon被科罗拉多大学选中 研究生联合政府(UGGS) to receive the Top TA/GPTI Award for 2015 in recognition of her demonstrated dedication to excellence in teaching. Award recipients were honored at UGGS's annual Roundtable Reception on April 21st.
  • 研究生娜塔莉·科斯顿, Julie Linman and Erica Shannon are the 2015 recipients of the 伯顿W. 琼斯教学优秀奖. 干得好,女士们! 祝贺你!
  • 祝贺你 to graduate student Noah Williams for winning the 2014 W. E. 布里格斯教学奖!
  • 恭喜数学专业的哈罗德·豪斯曼! He has been awarded the 2014-2015 Jack Hodges Award for Excellence in Mathematics. The award is given annually to an advanced undergraduate student majoring in mathematics who has demonstrated the greatest promise in the mathematical sciences. Jack Hodges was a member of the 数学系 from 1960 until his retirement in 1993.  The Jack Hodges Award for Excellence in Mathematics is supported by the Jack Hodges Scholarship fund.