
  • [I] =包容
  • [G] =目标导向
  • [S] =学术的


  • [I] The 哲学 Department has an up-to-date, customized version (pdf, 多克斯)。 中大教学大纲. Everyone teaching PHIL classes should use it (or a modified version of it) for their courses. It can be copied onto the syllabus, or you can link to it. This provides uniformity for our students so that they know what to expect in philosophy courses. For instance, it includes a statement about the discussion of controversial topics. Faculty should keep in mind that students may not take the initiative to read the syllabus or to follow a link. Faculty should note any specific policies that supplement or differ from the st和ard information.
  • [I,S]用a 教学大纲的清单 确保没有遗漏.
  • [I] All major deadlines 和 exam dates should be on the syllabus 和 should not conflict with religious holidays.
  • [I] Unless there are extenuating circumstances, every class should have an associated Canvas page. This allows students to access course content 和 requirements in a way that is familiar 和 accessible to them. 茱莉亚StaffelZak Kopeikin 做了一个有用的 教学视频.
  • [I] Readings should exhibit the diversity we would like to see in the profession (or, 至少, 专业内部存在的多样性). This means at least one-third of authors should be women, 和 at least one reading should be by a person of color. 希瑟Demarest’s has some evidence that it may be helpful to showcase the ways in which professional philosophers defy common stereotypes.
  • [I] Readings should be posted at least two weeks in advance of relevant discussion.
  • [I,G,S]教学大纲应该对目标敏感, 技能, 学生学习这门课的动机(e.g.,注意major vs. 非专业,高年级vs. 低级别,任何先决条件等.)
  • [G,S]大纲应该用 backwards-design. 从期望的结果开始, then decide how to assess whether those outcomes have been achieved, 最后, 设计讲座, 课堂活动, 和 readings to help students achieve those outcomes. It should be clear how each assignment supports the goals of the course 和, 在理想的情况下, how the goals of the course align with broader curricular goals, e.g., 哲学专业的学习目标, the general learning goals for CU Boulder undergraduates,及(如适用) the goals of the General Education curriculum in the Arts & 科学.
  • [G,S]研究生课程, the overarching goal is for students to learn how to do independent research. 更具体的目标可以是:阅读, 分析, 和 underst和 arguments; generate original arguments; review existing literature; 和 present work to others in a variety of situations.
  • [I,G,S]在研究生课程中, the instructor should provide several different examples of high-quality term 纸s. These can be taken (with the student author's permission) from previous courses 和 should illustrate a variety of different acceptable styles 和 format. 与此相关, the instructor should explicitly discuss their expectations, 提供写作和研究建议, 和 be willing to provide feedback on preliminary 草稿.


  • [I] Instructors should cultivate an atmosphere that is open, curious, comfortable, 和 supportive. They should not tolerate aggressive, offensive, or inappropriate behavior.
  • 在较小的课程中, instructors should learn 和 use students’ preferred names (with correct pronunciation) 和 pronouns (see name coach in Canvas).
  • [I,S] All materials 和 content should be accessible to all learners.
    • 通用学习设计
    • pdf文件应该是电子可读的.
    • Videos 和 podcasts should have associated transcripts.
    • Slides for class should be made available beforeh和.
    • Use a microphone in large lectures (especially if you’re wearing a mask).
    • 如果你有一种方法可以轻松地记录讲课, this can be helpful for students who are ill or injured 和 who cannot come to class. 茱莉亚StaffelZak Kopeikin 做了一个有用的 教学视频.
  • [I,G] Use 和 explain rubrics [links to samples] so that students are aware of expectations for successful completion of assignments. Do not assume students know how to write a philosophy 纸. 参考教学大纲中的论文写作建议.
  • [I,G] Use scaffolding—begin with small, easier versions (e.g.(如论文提纲),并逐步完成大项目(如论文提纲).g.、学期论文).
  • [I,G,S] Instructors should use strategies to encourage all students to participate, such as think-pair-share, BSPC色卡系统、要求学生详细阐述书面作业等.


  • [I,G,S] There should be multiple methods of assessment, at least some of which are low-stakes (e.g., 选择题测验, 论文, 简答考试, 讨论的帖子, 课堂参与, 最低分数下降). ASSETT provides a variety of training workshops 和 helpful resources on relevant technology (Perusall; Playposit; Canvas quizzes; 等.)
  • [I,G,S]在研究生课程中, instructors should consider including assignments in addition to the final 纸, 比如每周的回复, 带注释的书目, 演讲, 概述了, 草稿, 或者短文.
  • [I,G] There should be incentives for improving over the course of the semester (e.g., 允许学生修改试卷, 最低分数下降, allowing later assessments to count for more points).
  • [G] Instructors should provide prompt, substantive, regular feedback on students’ work.
  • [I,G] Grading for the different assignments should be clear 和 objective. 在理想的情况下, all substantive assignments are graded anonymously according to a rubric that is available ahead of time. 在Canvas中, Speedgrader可以是匿名的.
  • [I] Instructors should be familiar with accommodation requirements 和, in particular, utilize CU’s central facility for time-和-half/low-distraction testing requirements.


  • [I] Have a schedule for contacting mentees so as to be equally available for all of them (reach out at regular, 一致的间隔, 每学期至少一次).
  • [I,G] Remember that mentees come from widely differing cultural 和 economic backgrounds. Offer advice for unfamiliar situations (fancy dinners with speakers, 会议礼仪, 求职面试着装, 等.)
  • [I] Meet with mentees in welcoming, appropriate environments.
