Published: Nov. 22, 2023 By

Martin Scorsese’s latest film “Killers of the Flower Moon,” based on David Grann’s non-fiction book, chronicles a period in the 1920s known as the Osage Reign of Terror, 在此期间,俄克拉何马州的白人有计划地掠夺和谋杀了许多奥塞奇族印第安人,希望获得对他们利润丰厚的石油权利的控制. 

Angelica Lawson, a member of the Northern Arapaho Nation of Wyoming, is an assistant professor of cinema studies and ethnic studies, as well as a faculty affiliate of the Center of the American West, 美国原住民和土著研究中心(CNAIS)执行委员会成员. 她解释了土著人民和土著故事是如何在电影中典型地表现出来的, 以及斯科塞斯的电影在某些方面既达到了人们的期望,又没有达到预期. 

What’s the movie about? 

It’s about the Osage Reign of Terror. After the Osage people were forcefully relocated to what is now Oklahoma, the land was found to be rich in oil. As a result, the Osage Nation became extremely wealthy overnight. 

During this time, however, 非印第安人给印第安人贴上无能的标签,声称他们没有能力管理自己的事务, and due to discriminatory U.S. government policies, 非土著居民能够利用这种情况,成为监督奥塞奇人财务决策的“监护人”. 

这种剥削导致奥塞奇族社区内未解决的谋杀案激增, 斯科塞斯的《博彩app推荐》探讨了对这些死亡的调查.  

A photo of professor Angelica Lawson.
Professor Angelica Lawson. 

How were the Osage involved in the creation of this movie? 

一旦奥塞奇族得知这个故事将被改编成电影, 他们联系了斯科塞斯,说他们很关心自己的表现方式. 所以斯科塞斯飞到那里,会见了大约200名社区成员和一些部落领袖. 他们还雇佣了奥塞奇族社区成员,他们在幕后以各种身份为电影工作. 

I think the Osage involvement was really important, 我希望看到更多的导演像斯科塞斯那样优先考虑社区的投入, but I also think there could have been so much more. 

斯科塞斯的电影在土著表现方面是如何达到预期的? How did it fall short?

斯科塞斯和许多演员都非常直言不讳地试图尊重和准确地讲述这个故事, raising awareness about this moment in time. But here's the catch. It's still a Western. 

博彩平台推荐所知道的博彩app推荐经典西部片的一件事是,它是以过去为背景的,意在暗示对天定命运和西进扩张的赞美, and therefore relies heavily on violence against Native Americans. 

Throughout Hollywood’s history, 博彩平台推荐已经在银幕上看过无数描绘成千上万印第安人被谋杀的西部电影. 虽然有一些被语境化了,让观众对那个时刻产生同情——博彩平台推荐称之为“同情西部片”或“修正主义西部片”——但我认为这仍然是一场艰苦的战斗,因为人们已经习惯了把杀害原住民视为西部片的常态. 

这些电影也给人一种印第安人在向西扩张后不复存在的印象, because you don't see any stories after that. So, 我认为博彩平台推荐真的需要去讲述发生在其他时代的其他故事——那些突出印第安人的韧性和成功的故事.

欧内斯特·伯克哈特和他的妻子莫丽·纳梅·凯尔的照片摄于20世纪. 这些历史人物由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和莉莉·格莱斯顿在电影中饰演.
Ernest Burkhart and his wife Mollie née Kyle, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Lily Gladstone in the film. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. 

How can Hollywood improve in Indigenous storytelling? 

如果博彩平台推荐真的想要取得进步,博彩平台推荐就需要远离西方类型. That can’t be the only genre that you ever see Native Americans in. 

Ideally, I would love to see more contemporary stories told, those beyond the time period of westward expansion, 这样观众就可以在屏幕上看到印第安人实际上并没有消失,也没有被同化,以至于你无法将他们视为明显的印第安人. 

And lastly, I think there needs to be more Native American directors. If you want to tell Native stories, you need Native people to tell them. 正如《博彩app推荐》告诉博彩平台推荐的那样,仅仅获得社区的投入是不够的. The directors have the final say. 他们做出的选择最终塑造了故事,博彩平台推荐需要更多的土著人民有权力和自主权来做这件事.

What final thoughts do you have on the film adaptation of this story? 

我认为有些电影很容易让电影观众在观看电影时对土著历史产生同情和情感, they leave the movie theater, then don’t have to think about it because it's all in the past. 这部电影可能会激发一些人想要更多地了解这段历史, 但如果这不能转化为人们现在关心帮助美洲原住民的话, then I don’t think that's progress. 

这部电影的主题围绕着美国土著妇女被视为不值得调查的人,她们被谋杀或失踪,这在美国历史上从一开始就存在,在今天的印第安人国家仍然是一个非常重要的问题. 如果这部电影真的能激励人们去审视这个现状, and help or do something about it, that would be great, 但我还没有看到斯科塞斯或迪卡普里奥与他们目前拥有的平台建立直接联系.