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New “Topophilia” exhibition at the Earth Sciences & Map Library is a meditation on humans’ relationship to place

New “Topophilia” exhibition at the Earth Sciences & Map Library is a meditation on humans’ relationship to place

Topophilia意为“对地方的热爱”,是一个探索人与地方之间联系的术语. It's also the topic and title of a new exhibition at the Earth Sciences & Map Library, Topophilia, which is open now until August 2025.

展览邀请观众通过约翰娜·穆勒的版画来思考他们自己的关系, ceramic installations by Rita Vali, 以及由地质科学/大气与空间物理实验室博士候选人Sam Cartwright和地图馆长Naomi Heiser共同策划的大学图书馆的精美地图集.

米勒和瓦利是当地的艺术家,他们深受科罗拉多州和西部景观的影响. Vali’s work specifically references her childhood growing up in Wyoming.

“Wyoming embodies my topophilia; it is my place of solace and a source of inspiration. A place I return to often,” said Vali in her curatorial statement.

两位艺术家都为这次展览创作了全新的作品,这是基于探索对他们和穆勒来说,地形癖意味着什么这一挑战, these works present "the shared histories of humans, as told by animals."

Clouds with prints of the Wyoming landscape

Cloudscape by Rita Vali

Topophilia was first introduced by poet W. H. Auden in 1948 and popularized in the 1970s as a geographical concept in the work of Yi-Fu Tuan, who founded the field of humanistic geography.

Jennifer Fluri, chair of the Geography Department, 他说,“地形癖”的含义已经进化到包括新的声音和观点, 这一点在为展览挑选的地图和作品中都有说明.

“这次展览中的地图突出了绘制地球(和其他行星)表面的机会和局限性. 地图引导和帮助博彩平台推荐在空间中导航,但它们也可以被用于压迫性的方式,”弗洛里说. "The aspirational form of topophilia remains open, 包容和愿意接受差异,这可以通过在博彩平台推荐的家乡吸引新来者,并提供分享和学习多种形式的地形喜好的机会来实现.”

In his role as guest curator, Cartwright与Heiser合作研究和选择地图,这些地图突出了制图师绘制三维空间的许多创造性方法, both terrestrial and celestial. 卡特赖特说,他的目标是“把遥远而陌生的地形带入内心的解脱。, whether here on Earth or at the farthest reaches of space."

图书馆的地图收藏中有丰富的不同时期和风格的最佳制图师和地形学家的例子, including mapping of space.

“I’ve wanted to create an exhibit about topophilia ever since reading D. H. Lawrence’s The Spirit of Place, 它提出了人类和某些地方之间超越地理位置的情感联系, terrain and even a sense of home,” said Heiser. “是什么让你如此热爱一个特定的风景,以至于你觉得自己一直都是其中的一部分? 每天与地图打交道,偶尔也会激起同样的熟悉感, as if the map has suddenly opened up and taken you with it.”

Topophilia is on view until August 2025 in the Earth Sciences & Map Library, now with extended evening and weekend hours.


Jackalope print on map by Johanna Mueller

Topo Series: Jackalope of Uncompahgre Peak by Johanna Mueller

About the artists and co-curator

Johanna Mueller in her studio

Johanna Mueller

Johanna Mueller is a printmaker, artist and entrepreneur, born and raised in Denver, CO, now residing in Greeley, CO where she co-owns and operates Wonderhand Studios, a communal printmaking studio and gallery. 

她获得了丹佛城市大学版画艺术学士学位和费尔法克斯乔治梅森大学版画艺术硕士学位, VA. 她是驴磨坊艺术中心莱拉·特维格·史密斯艺术家驻留项目的接受者, in Kona, HI, the Brush Creek Artist Residency in Saratoga, WY, Jentel Artist Residency in Banner, 他曾是斯诺马斯安德森牧场艺术中心的驻场艺术家, CO. Please find more of her work at

Photo by Shel Francis Creative.

Rita Vali standing hugging an aspen tree

Rita Vali

我很幸运能和粘土一起工作,它的触感和反应非常好. As a potter, 我努力制作快乐的陶器,成功地将新鲜的现代形式与大胆的图形图案结合起来. 我的灵感来自于自然的多样性和丰富性,充满了中世纪的审美. 在创作陶瓷的每一个阶段,我都借鉴了我35年的陶瓷经验. My pottery is made with others in mind, 通过使用精心制作的手工物品,反映了我对博彩平台推荐之间联系的信念. 我希望每一件作品都能体现出我对工作的投入.

I also thrive on connections with fellow artists, students and the public. My work extends to creating public art, sculptures for gardens, ceramic wall quilts, and commercial installations. Alongside making and teaching pottery, 我在博尔德县完成了许多公共艺术装置,并积极参与了几个社区艺术组织. 我拥有怀俄明大学的学士/学士学位和宾夕法尼亚州立大学的硕士学位.

For more information on purchasing pottery, installations, exhibitions, or workshops, please visit my website at 你也可以在Instagram @ritavaliceramic和Facebook @ RitaValiCeramics关注我.

Portrait of Sam Cartwright

Sam Cartwright

Sam Cartwright是地质科学系和大气与空间物理实验室的博士候选人. 他的研究重点是火星南极冰冷地貌的组成,以及这能告诉博彩平台推荐的博彩app推荐火星气候演变的信息. Sam previously earned degrees in Geology from Middlebury College (BA, 2018) and the University of Nevada Reno (MS, 2021) and joined SciDome as a Facilitator in 2023. 

在史密森国家航空航天博物馆实习期间,他发现了自己对太空历史和公众宣传的热情, but his love of maps goes back much further. 

Upcoming Topophilia Events

Culture Crawl: Works by Johanna Mueller and Rita Vali

Topophilia! Map Art Mini-Workshops: Drop-in with Local Artists

Sept. 25, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Earth Sciences & Map Library

Meet the artists of Topophilia during the Culture Crawl. 与艺术家约翰娜·穆勒(Johanna Mueller)一起使用明信片大小的地图残余制作自己的动物或植物块印刷,并与陶艺家丽塔·瓦利(Rita Vali)一起制作带有纹理地图图像的快干粘土吊坠.

博彩app推荐文化爬行:文化爬行是庆祝CU博尔德艺术校园范围内的活动 & culture. Stop by the different locations to take part in immersive activities, performances, artmaking, food tasting and more. 在任何活动中挑选一件免费的Culture Crawl t恤(供应完毕),用你的Buff OneCard刷卡进入抽奖活动. The more events you attend, the more opportunities to win. See all Culture Crawl events.

Man pointing to map on the moon

Science Under the Dome

Oct. 10, 7 p.m.
Fiske Planetarium, reception at the Earth Sciences & Map Library to follow

10月10日晚7点,加入Sam Cartwright参加菲斯克天文馆的“穹顶下的科学”系列.m. for “Astrotopophilia: A love of place with maps of space,这个演讲追溯了行星制图的历史,从最早的望远镜草图到今天的高分辨率图像.

Reception & Q&A: Immediately following the talk, join us at the Earth Sciences & Map Library from 7:45 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. where guests can ask Cartwright questions, 浏览图书馆收藏的大量相关地图,并查看新的地图 Topophilia exhibition. Dessert and drinks will be served.

参加讲座的与会者将收到一张由卡特赖特制作的自定义纪念品地图,以帮助他们从菲斯克导航到地球科学 & Map Library.